This song has a humanitarian and global meaning that is so relevant today, as it was back when it was first published and sung by Umberto Tozzi in 1991, at the festival di Sanremo. The best use of this specific song resides in the profound meaning of its lyrics, which can be different today and to the reality of students in our current classes, but it also warrants an historical understanding of when the song was published and how youth and people in general viewed the world in the early nineties.
The You Tube Video
The Lyrics
Non sono stato mai più solo di così
è notte ma vorrei che fosse presto lunedì
con gli altri insieme a me per fare la città
con gli altri chiusi in sè che si aprono al sole
come fiori quando si risvegliano, si rivestono,
quando escono, partono, arrivano,
ci somigliano angeli avvoltoi,
come specchi gli occhi nei volti
perché gli altri siamo noi.
I muri vanno giù
al soffio di un'idea
Allah come Gesù in chiesa o dentro una moschea
e gli altri siamo noi ma qui sulla stessa via
vigliaccamente eroi lasciamo indietro pezzi di altri noi
che ci aspettano e si chiedono perché nascono e subito
forse rondini foglie d'Africa
ci sorridono in malinconia
e tutti vittime e carnefici
tanto prima o poi gli altri siamo noi.
Quando cantano,
quando piangono
gli altri siamo noi.
siamo noi siamo noi
Quando nascono
Quando muoiono
gli altri siamo noi
siamo noi siamo noi
In questo mondo gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Noi che stiamo in comodi deserti
di appartamenti e di tranquillità
lontani dagli altri,
ma tanto prima o poi gli altri siamo noi.
In questo mondo piccolo oramai
Gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Si gli altri siamo noi
fra gli Indios e gli Indù
ragazzi in farmacie che ormai non ce la fanno più,
famiglie di operai, i licenziati dai robot
e zingari dell'est in riserve di periferia
siamo tutti vittime e carnefici
tanto prima o poi gli altri siamo noi.
il Sud Africa,
Gli altri siamo noi.
siamo noi siamo noi
quando sparano
quando sperano
Gli altri siamo noi
siamo noi siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
Gli altri siamo noi
In questo mondo gli altri siamo noi
In questo mondo piccolo oramai
Gli altri siamo noi
In questo mondo gli altri siamo noi
The Worlde
There are a number of ideas that come to mind specifically to this song and its lyrics.
- Students could investigate the historical moment it came out and how Italy, Europe and the world were dealing with the most tragic problems of the time. Consider the fact that this was at the early years of the Internet, when the world started to peak out and creep into everyone's daily reality even before mobile phones and connectivity would take place, about 15 years later.
- The song has many powerful messages. Ask students to identify all the key messages they can interpret from the song and make a slogan, a poster or a multimedia message based on those ideas. You could create a small website with these slogans in mind and share it with the school community.
- Another activity related to the message of the song, is to define: "Gli Altri". Students could work in groups accessing online newspapers in Italian, or in English, and define what are the "others" in todays' world. Then they can make a comparison of sort, like a chart or a presentation or even a dramatization, that shows if we have made any progress in identifying and supporting the "others" or if there are new "others' in today's world. The song can become the background of that reflection.
- The song is very popular in Italian culture, so consider the catch of the tune and how students may want to actually learn to sing it and play it. A class music video representation of the song is also another great idea.
- Invite students to make a list of the actual definitions of the "others" presented in the song. Invite students to locate geographically, based on Italy, Europe, north America or the world, where these "others" are now. Students could use online tools to create these interactive maps that show how the "others" are literally everywhere around us. (use the Maps tools at the National Geographic site) Students create fact sheets of their research. You could use the projects to share ideas in the school newsletter.
- Vittime e carnefici - These words come out often in the song, and not just for rhyming purposes. Ask students to list victims and perpetrators in an original way, other than just a simple list. What do each of them do? Ask to suggest solutions to minimize both and how they are so closely related. (This is probably material to use for a higher level class and an older audience).
- When do we become the "others"? - Ask students to consider three examples of "others" in the song. Then invite students to think of how anyone can become on of them. For example: Gli altri che sofforno in appartamenti vicini ai nostri" - we can become them one day, by losing our income, by having an accident or a tragedy and not having anyone by us to support and assist us. You will find a lot of great thinking going on by trying to put oneself into someone else's place.
- Do not forget to ask students to make images of the meanings they find in this song!
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